23 years ago, as I was a Rotary exchange student, Kent Converse, at this time district governor, organized a trip with me  to different Rotary Clubs. One of it was the Kinsley Rotary Club. I remember talking to this club and taking part in a parade. Certainly we contacted the club  to meet them again. We spend a wonderful day and evening with Kent – it was so great, seeing him again after all this years!

Already as I talked to Bob, president elect of the Rotary Kinsley Club, in preparation of our visit I felt so welcomed and appreciated! We even got the possibility to be speaker of one of their meetings. Thanks to Kent who brought us and Bob who not only made sure of the equipment but also prepared a handout for us we talked about our travels and our project Hiking4Haiti. What a surprise as I entered the meeting room to find a picture of me -23 years ago- at the Kinsley parade.

The interest in form of questions following our presentation was huge and we happily used the full meeting time to reconnect with „old“ and „new“ Rotarian friends. The small club is full of wonderful Rotarians, very engaged in local projects and meets every two weeks on Mondays. Even as the club engages in a lot of projects, they decided to support our project.

Thank you, Bob for the wonderful pictures.
